Jasmine, our four and a half year old F1b labradoodle, is the mother of all these little pups!
Jasmine was born on 9/5/2010 and was a pup in a litter from our F1 girl, Molly. She usually weighs about 50 lbs (she was 47 at the vet right after birth, but she had just lost a lot of puppy weight!). She stands 23" tall at the shoulders. Complete info on her lineage is posted in the posts from back when she was born, but her daddy was a 65 lb standard poodle named Casper and our Molly is about 49 lbs and 22" at the shoulders.
Here is Jasmine at about 5-6 weeks old with one of her siblings:
And here she is at about 1 1/2 years old
And at 2 1/2 years old
And here she is when her puppies were about 10 days old
Jasmine has a great demeanor. She is a little reserved, but playful. She absolutely loves to go for a walk or run! Like most labradoodles, she LOVES people. She always wants to rest or lay right next to you (or even better is to have her head across your feet, legs, or arm!). She will sit, lay down, roll over, or "sit pretty" on command. She has a really nice, soft, curly coat with virtually no shedding.
This is Jasmine's first litter and she has been a good momma! She does all the nursing, licking them, and keeping the kennel area clean. Just now as her pupps are about 3 weeks old, she is showing some signs of not wanting to nurse them quite as often and we'll probably start transitioning to some liquid formula and then softened food as the puppies get a little bigger.
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