Thursday, January 29, 2015

Male Puppy - "Leo" - Already taken

This boy is one of the most recognizable in the litter because both of his back feet are white!  He's been a favorite of many people right from the start -- somewhat because he stands out a bit and also because of his adventuresome spirit. He is our test puppy for when we need to make the enclosure harder to get out.  He was the first to get out of the kiddie pool and then when we moved them to a kennel area, he has been the one to "escape" several times (which always leads us to raise the height of the opening). Other than the two white feet, the rest of him is black and starting to get wavy.

He weighed 12 oz at birth; 1 lb 4 oz. at 1-week-old; 2 lbs 2.5 oz. at 2-weeks-old, 2 lbs 11 oz. at 3-weeks old, 4 lbs 1 oz at 4-weeks-old, and 5 lbs 10 oz. at 5-weeks-old. He is developing really well, shows really good coordination, and loves to be picked up!

Status: "Leo" is going to a family here in Gresham about the 1st week of March along with his sister "Ivy" (they chose both names).

Here is a 6-Week Pic at the Vet: 

Here is a 5-Week Pic:

Here is a 3-Week Pic:

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