Saturday, January 24, 2015

Meet the Puppies' Parents! -- Zander

The stud dog for this litter is a great dog from Clatskanie, OR named Zander.  Here is what is owner says about him:

Zander is well educated, having completed 3 courses of obedience classes from puppy, intermediate, to advanced, and graduated at the top of the class each time, He is a big teachers' pet and would mooch off of the instructor for more yummy puppy treats.
LOVES children, if he had it his way he would smooch them all day.
He's an athletic soul, excellent jumper, superb runner, and avid swimmer. He is a ideal candidate for agility courses, or dock jumping.
His best friend is a troublesome little cat who never listens to him. Zander loves to play 'pranks' on the cat -- stealing his toys and hiding them in his bed, eating his lunch, sleeping on his bed, pushing him off my bed, using his bed as a towel after a long run out in the rain.
He LOVES his toys, but only when he can brag about them in front of his canine friends. He prefers to squeak them to death vs. dissecting them.
Some of his favorite things to do to pass the time are long walks on the beach, bouncing on the couch, road trips (everywhere), whispering sweet nothings 'into' peoples ears, or scaring the mailman by pretending he's Cujo. He will do everything (all at once) for a 'Puppy Treat'.
He's a highly intelligent dog and will figure things out at breakneck speed (hard to believe a dog could be that smart!).  He also doesnt know he's a Labradoodle, as he loves to try to 'herd' cows like a cattle dog although he still has a hard time trying to get the cow to listen to him.

Some of the thing he knows: Sit, Down, All the way down, Roll over, Get up, friends (shake paw) Give me me the drugs (give both paws), Sit pretty, Show me his 'pee-pee', Wait, Stay, Turn in a circle to the left, and to the right, Find his orange tennis ball, find his 'octobear' toy, Touch (with his nose) Go touch, Go get the cow (an actual cow), Go to bed, Get in the car, Get out of the car (on command), Stand up on his back legs to give kisses, Heel, Back-up, and his favorite, bounce backward on the leash because walking normally is too mainstream.

Zander is a medium/large dog:
Height:---- 25in at the shoulder
Weight: -- 59.8lbs
                        _____Hugo (Poodle) DOB unknown (approx 4-6 years)
                       |          45lbs        23in
Zander (F1b)---
                       |_____ Cocoa (F1 Labradoodle)   DOB unknown  (approx 4-6 years)
                                 41lbs         21in

Here are some fun pics of Zander!  He gets to play outside a lot in Clatskanie.

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